Career outcomes for IU Indianapolis undergraduates
In coordination with the Career Services Council’s Research and Assessment Committee, Campus Career and Advising Services administers the First Destination Survey to all IU Indianapolis undergraduates who earn a certificate, associate degree, or bachelor’s degree.
This survey is based on the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) standards and protocols developed to standardize collection of career outcomes data. IU Indianapolis Institutional Research and Decision Support provides support in creating and maintaining the interactive Tableau dashboards below.
92.1% of graduates reported positive career outcomes with employment or further education, and 65.1% reported full-time employment.
Explore our career outcomes dashboard to see the various career outcomes of our graduates by school and by major. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
Explore our salary dashboard to see the starting salaries of our full-time employed graduates by school and by major. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
Majors with highest average starting salaries (limited to majors with at least 10 graduates reporting salaries)
Mechanical Engr. BSME
Finance BSB
Accounting BSB
International Studies BSB
Supply Chain Mgmt BSB
Applied Computer Science BA
Computer Science BS
Management BSB
Marketing BSB
Psychology BA
Human Resources Mgmt BSB
Psychology BS
Criminal Justice BS
General Studies BGS
Social Work BSW
Salary negotiation
To further explore salary differences across demographic backgrounds, the Career Services Council added a question on salary negotiation to the 2023 survey:
Was this the first salary you were offered?
Yes, and I accepted without negotiating (71.2% of responses).
Yes, but I did attempt to negotiate (13.5% of responses).
No, I negotiated for this salary (e.g., successful negotiation) (15.4% of responses).
Summary of analyses
49.7% of all graduates who responded to the negotiation question (N = 840) accepted the first salary they were offered without negotiating. That is, only 14.3% of respondents negotiated. Of those who negotiated, 7.63% were successful.
Explore our employers dashboard to see the employers and locations of employment for our full-time employed graduates by school and by major. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
86.4% of full-time employed graduates are employed in Indiana, 60.7% in Indianapolis specifically.
Top 15 Employers
IU Indianapolis
IU Health
Community Health Network
Eskenazi Health
Indiana University
Eli Lilly
State of Indiana
Allison Transmission
Explore our position relationship to major dashboard to see the percentages of our full-time employed graduates reporting that their job is related to their major. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
86.1% of full-time employed graduates report their position is related to their field of study.
In all schools, the majority of respondents report working in a related field.
School of Major
% Reporting Their Position Is Related to Their Field of Study
Real Estate BSB
Supply Chain Management BSB
Finance BSB
Accounting BSB
Mechanical Engr. BSME
Management BSB
International Studies BSB
Computer Science BS
Health Services Mgmt BS
Social Work BSW
Biology BS
Human Resources Mgmt BSB
Explore our further education dashboard to see the institutions and fields of study for graduates who are continuing their education. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
Explore our debt and repayment dashboard to see the levels of debt our graduates incur and their levels of confidence in repaying their debt on time. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
50.8% of graduates report holding no student loan debt; 39.5% report holding less than $50,000 in debt.
73.6% of graduates who hold loan debt report that they are very confident or somewhat confident in their ability to repay their loans on time.
Explore our internship participation dashboard to see the rates at which our graduates participate in practical work and learn opportunities. Choose the 2023 Graduate Cohort to see the latest data.
64.9% of graduates completed at least one internship, practicum, co-op, student teaching, or clinical placement.
41.3% of those graduates (who had an internship) reported an internship leading to a full-time offer.
92.9% agreed the internship completed their degree and helped prepare them for a career.
*Most recent data come from the 2023 cohort (graduated July 2022 through June 2023; data collected through December 2023) and are based on a 44.7% knowledge rate.
Questions or comments?
If you have questions or comments about the IU Indianapolis First Destination Survey, please address them to Campus Career and Advising Services.